About the Week

Between Ash Wednesday (17th Feb) and Wednesday 24th Feb, we will have seven days of prayer around the College.

The aim is to have someone praying each hour of the week; the College Chapel at the Strand campus will be open all week for prayer, and services and events will take place around the college campuses.

The calendar below shows all the events for the week. Entries start at 17th Feb, so make sure you're looking at the correct date!

Green entries are the Strand Chapel
Blue entries are Guy's Chapel
Red entries are Waterloo Quiet Room
Orange entries are Denmark Hill

Purple entries are those who have signed up to a specific timeslot of prayer. There is no pressure to do this, you can of course just turn up at any time. If you can commit to a timeslot, however, then this will help us to plan the week better and ensure we cover all the slots.

To sign up for a slot, just email us at chaplaincy@kcl.ac.uk

For more information on any of the events, just click on them. We will also post information, prayers and other information on this site, as well as updating the calendar with more details, so keep checking back!

Friday 29 January 2010

We have a logo!

Our chief publicist & designer, Rowan, has produced an ace logo for this year's prayer week.

Notice the similarity to a plane in the shape of the bird, picking up the theme of travelling, while still recognisable as a bird, possibly the bird used to represent both peace and the Holy Spirit, a dove?

Look out for posters coming soon!